Commercial Property Durban

If you are a commercial property owner, or are looking to become one, Then check out Commercial Property Durban. Here you will find information about operating commercial property. You can also find commercial property to rent. Simply follow the links. Get it all at Commercial Property Durban.

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Commercial Property Durban believes the commercial property sector in South Africa continues to display strong investment opportunities, particularly in the industrial sector. A more powerful shift towards warehousing and distribution has slowly changed the dynamic of industrial property. A reduced reliance on heavy manufacturing has meant the industrial sector has had to adapt. The result is an increased demand for quality warehousing facilities. In this regard, Commercial Property Durban provides a platform to view these storage/warehousing facilities through Storage Panda.

Commercial Property Durban often sees industrial property neglected as an investment possibility. This is because purchasing such an asset is complex and arduous. Like any large investment, it requires careful and calculated thought.

Industrial commercial property should consist of large warehouses, small office sections and a substantial loading dock/yard. This is critical in accommodating sizable delivery vehicles. Of course, a vital component to the industrial space. Commercial Property Durban advantages:

  • Industrial property means far less power requirements, to that of manufacturing. This of course is a real bonus in todays load shedding climate.
  • It also means less of a burden on the physical structure as opposed to that of manufacturing.
  • The opportunity to buy prime location at a lower cost per sqm relative to that of office or retail. Then enjoy an income from a low maintenance tenant, long term.

It is of great importance to secure the correct tenant, when looking at industrial property. Logistics, handling and storage businesses fit this spec. They like to be located close to the airport or harbour.

A tip from Commercial Property Durban is to consider the sale-and-leaseback option. Existing owner-occupiers looking to raise capital for expansion, provide opportunities for investors to buy on a sale-and-leaseback condition. The benefit here, is that the existing owner remains on as a tenant. This means immediate income and a solid long term tenant.

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